tot Lela top in Coral is selling hot at L’exception!
Tag: press
tot at LS:N
We talk about tot on Thanks you for your supports! We love it!
Kiki rocks!
Spotted Kiki Kang (famous Chinese model) is wearing tot’s pants at an opening of an art exhibition in Beijing. Thanks for your support~ you rock! KiKi!
Charlene in tot!!!
Spotted Hong Kong Star, Charlene Choi (蔡卓妍) is wearing tot Dita top in Coral. Rock it!!!
defilé tot @ shanghai
tot @ flanelleblog
Merci Aude de flanelleblog pour ton super post!!! On adore ton blog!
Nelly Rodi’s trend forum
Glad to see the 2 pieces of tot at Nelly Rodi’s trend forum of Who’s Next. Special thanks to Benoit Habilleur.